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The Jerusalem Hills Children’s Home (JHTC) provides residential therapeutic care and
special education for some of the most vulnerable of
Israel’s children in a stable and caring environment. All
the boys and girls (between the ages of 7 and 14)
currently at Jerusalem Hills have been assessed by
Israel’s Ministry of Welfare as being at high risk. Most have been victims of severe
neglect, physical or mental abuse … read more


The staff at JHTC works closely with each child, addressing their situation in a
personal and intensive manner. Therefore, the holidays, summer vacation and
weekends, where the children leave our campus to visit with their families, are
shorter than vacation schedules implemented in most residential facilities. Even so,
many children have no viable home to go to. And a child who must remain on
campus while his friends leave, because there is no one who can take him in and
offer love and security, is a child whose sadness never leaves his eyes …


Show your support for young children at risk!
Help us give them a warm and loving home to stay during the High Holidays.




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